LFD cigars are renowned in the industry for their consistency. Founder Litto Gomez oversees every aspect of production, from the growing of tobacco on his farm to the manufacturing in their modern factory. The Gomez family’s commitment to quality has made them one of the most popular premium cigar brands today. Their extensive portfolio of quality blends and sizes cater to all smokers’ tastes.
La Flor Dominicana is a small cigar company in the Dominican Republic that produces high-end, medium to full-strength handcrafted premium cigars. Originally called Los Libertadores, the company was established in 1996 by owner Litto Gomez. After a violent robbery of his home, Gomez reassessed his life and decided to enter the tobacco business. Gomez named his brand after the flower of the tobacco plant, which signifies that the plant is ready to harvest.
This is a great example of a cigar that doesn’t look like much on the surface but has a lot more going for it under its unassuming wrapper. This Tres Petit Corona from the La Volcada line is a machine-made smoke that utilizes a mouthwatering Mexican San Andres maduro covering a Corojo binder and Dominican filler.
The result is a bold cigar that’s full of spice, dark chocolate, creaminess, coffee, and nuts. Unlike some other Nic puros that tend to be a little bit aggressive and attack the palate, this cigar is a smooth smoke that really gets a lot of flavor out of its ingredients. flores dominicana