Gwen Stacy, also known as Spider-Gwen, has become a fan-favorite since her debut in 2014 as an alternate universe version of Peter Parker who is bitten by a radioactive spider and develops powers of her own. While she is no longer the love interest of our arachnid hero, she still remains a fan-favorite and has been featured in merchandise and movies.
Whether you prefer her new look as Spider-Woman or a more traditional Gwen from Emma Stone’s appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man and its sequel, this Halloween is the perfect time to give her cosplay a try. Here are a few ideas that will help you bring her to life for your next costume event.
Gwen’s preppy school uniform is her signature style and can be recreated with a few basics like a button-down shirt, sweater and skirt. Add some sneakers and a backpack to complete the look as she attends Brooklyn Visions Academy where she meets Miles Morales in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Toss on a few fake eyebrow piercings to add more to her edgy look. Spider Gwen cosplay