Authentic leather bags wholesale are the latest fashion accessories for women. They are very popular and can make you a lot of money if you sell them correctly. If you want to sell them successfully though, you need to work with real Italian manufacturers and suppliers that are willing to do business with you starting with a small order quantity. There are many fakes and scams out there that are only looking to take your money and not deliver on their promises. We have done the hard work for you and sourced the best and most reliable italy wholesale handbags suppliers who are able to deliver high quality products that are sure to satisfy your customers and keep them coming back time and time again.
The first place to find genuine italy wholesale handbags manufacturers and suppliers is ItalianModa, our B2B marketplace that connects you directly with the most experienced factories and artisans all over Italy. Tell us what kind of Italian bag you are looking for and we will match you with the most suitable companies. These are companies that will be able to produce the exclusive fashionable bags, purses, clutches and tote bags you are looking for in very low minimum orders.
Marta Ray, a Roman brand that is best known for their comfortable ballerina flats, also produces really affordable leather handbags in dozens of colors. Founded by Polish-born Maria Cristina Gasche and her father Uberto Gasche, the bags combine traditional shapes with an experimental approach that is always fresh and modern. italy wholesale handbags