Whether you’re a die-hard Michael Kors fan or simply need a stylish new tote for everyday life, the brand has something to offer. Shop bags at discount prices and get your hands on a piece you’ll love for years to come.
If you’re looking to buy a Michael Kors handbag, you can shop their official website or visit an authorized store in your area to find the best selection and get your hands on a top-quality bag at a fraction of the original price. In addition to their official site, Michael Kors also sells pre-loved items on a resale site called Michael Kors Pre-Loved that lets users create accounts and upload photos of their favorite handbags, crossbody bags or wallets.
The first thing you’ll want to do is check the materials that are used for the bag. A true Michael Kors bag is made from genuine leather, not faux or synthetic materials like PVC.
Another sign of a real Michael Kors bag is the hardware. Authentic bags feature rounded handles that don’t have any stamping on them and use a hefty joint hardware that feels solid to the touch. They also feature four evenly spaced stitches underneath the handle hardware that shouldn’t protrude from the bag.
Lastly, be sure to take a close look at the lining of the bag. The lining of an authentic bag is usually a soft, smooth and silky material that feels great against the skin. A fake bag’s lining is often stiff and rough and can easily be felt through the fabric. michael kors bags sales