A glitzy one to behold
MK is the home of luxury handbags – and we mean the high end kind. We don’t sell cheap bags or knockoffs, you’re getting the designer label and we take our duty as custodians very seriously. Besides, we’re here to help! Whether you’re looking for a statement maker or a bespoke cocktail dress, we can make your shopping experience fun, easy and most importantly, stress free. Having a dedicated team of fashion snobs who are on your side means you can focus on putting your best foot forward, no matter what the occasion. You can also rest assured that your credit card will be safe in our wallet.
Another key feature to look out for is the stitching of your new bag. Ideally, the stitches should be perfectly straight and in a good condition. It is not a good idea to buy any designer bag that has not been properly sewn. This is because the bag is a piece of art, so the stitches should be flawless and in perfect shape to give it the best possible finish.
In addition, the fabric should be soft and smooth to touch. This will not only feel better, it will also make the bag easier to handle and care for.
You should also check to see if the lining is waterproof and isn’t too thick or crinkled. If the lining is too thick or crinkled, this will indicate that it’s a fake and should be avoided.
Lastly, make sure that the bag is made in the UK and that it is free from any defects or other issues. This is a great way to ensure that you are buying an authentic Coach or Michael Kors bag, as these brands have strict regulations on the materials used and manufacturing processes.
How to shop for Coach or Michael Kors Handbags
There are so many incredible luxury handbags from both Coach and Michael Kors that it can be difficult to choose which one to buy. The best thing to do is to look at some of their most popular designs and pick the one that suits you best.
We’ve picked a few of our favourites from each of these two great American brands. If you have any questions about these bags or need help choosing the best bag for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! MK sales bag uk